Movies and Shows Similar to When... Goes Horribly Wrong

Opera Italia (2010)

Bundymania (1998)

Sample This (2013)

Toy Masters (2012)

Outbreak 1939 (2009)

Walk the Talk (2001)

Killing Cars (1986)

Telly Addicts (1985)

Pinocchio (1957)

GamesMaster (1992)

Body Magic (1982)

Shindig! (1964)

Soul Train (1973)

Macbeth (1983)

Bullseye (1981)

#Dupe# (1939)

The Healer (1935)

Pipkins (1973)

Miller's Tale (2011)

Dante89 : Great story, and I am like season one more interested in Spencer. He is the real star of t...