Movies and Shows Similar to RiffTrax Live: Godzilla

Accidents (1989)

Sweet Revenge (1976)

The Nativity (1987)

Alibi (1997)

In the Spirit (1990)

Keeping Track (1987)

Heartaches (1982)

Two Loves (1961)

For Men Only (1952)

Parnell (1937)

Possessed (1931)

St. Ives (1998)

Lucky Day (1991)

Limit Up (1990)

Balboa (1983)

Sizzle (1981)

Tiara Tahiti (1962)

The Sad Horse (1959)

Hot Spell (1958)

Alibi (1943)

Chained (1934)

Poltergay (2006)

Playmaker (1995)

La maschera (1988)

Twixtid : The talent from the cast is pretty cringe I ain't gonna lie, that being said, the gators w...