Movies and Shows Similar to E.M.M.A. (Short 2014)

Macross 7 (1994)

Time (2017)

Hyperfutura (2013)

You Me & Her (2014)

Collider (2014)

Chronesthesia (2016)

Hu-Man (1976)

Capsule (2010)

Found in Time (2015)

Parallel (2015)

Transfer (2011)

Hyperdrive (2016)

Traveler (2013)

Dione (2016)

CC 2010 (2009)

Void (2014)

Atlantis (2009)

#Dupe# (2016)

Except for Us (2013)

Slashed (2010)

Alone (2010)

Transience (2015)

Crash Test (2004)

Clocked (2013)

AlienĂgenas (2017)

Reproduction (2009)

Down the Line (2014)

The Invention (2013)

UFO Abduction (2009)

BlinkyTM (2011)

Cl.One (2005)

Doing Time (2005)

Bunker (2013)

Mars Man (2013)

Terminate Her (2014)

Red Pearl (2015)

To Boldly Go (2010)

113 Degrees (2013)

1984 (2006)

R.E.M. (2016)

Tom on Mars (2005)

Dante89 : Awesome character in this show though haha xD <3