Movies and Shows Similar to What I Did for Love

Jack Jonah (2019)

Celeste (2018)

Lady Scarface (1941)

Chosen (2021)

Callie & Son (1981)

Gypsy Colt (1954)

Baby Bulldog (2020)

Deadly Crush (2018)

Little Heroes (2006)

Blacktop (2000)

Evil Eyes (2004)

Dead Heat (2002)

Son of Lassie (1945)

The Actors (2003)

Here on Earth (2000)

Reach Me (2014)

InSight (2011)

Effie Gray (2014)

The Hollow (2016)

Gargantua (1998)

Forever Lulu (2000)

Sacrifice (2016)

Scrawl (2019)

Broken Horses (2015)

She's Missing (2019)

Vanity Fair (2004)

Evelyn (2002)

Wit (2001)

Judas Kiss (1999)

Gallows Road (2015)

Captive (2015)

Voyage (1993)

The Joneses (2010)

The Marine 2 (2009)

Live Wire (1992)

Molly (1999)

D.O.A. (1988)

Why Me? (1990)

Onegin (1999)

Father Hood (1993)

hateorade : wagner moura played pablo escobar in the series Narcos