Movies and Shows Similar to The Alphabet Killer

The Fun Park (2007)

Basement Jack (2009)

Blind Alley (2011)

Asylum (2008)

The Jungle (2013)

Expiration (2014)

Cold Ground (2017)

Ghost Machine (2010)

Exeter (2015)

Terror 5 (2017)

Dood eind (2006)

Heidi (2014)

Driftwood (2010)

Catskill Park (2018)

Lifebreath (1997)

Dark Vision (2015)

Horror (2003)

The Open Door (2008)

The Untold (2002)

Number 55 (2014)

Phobia (2013)

The Marshes (2018)

Whiteout (2009)

Wekufe (2017)

Parasitic (2012)

Stormhouse (2011)

Dominium (2013)

The Cottage (2012)

Dollface (2014)

Final Vision (2017)

Alien Valley (2012)

The Reeds (2010)

Cain Hill (2017)

Re-Cut (2010)

Rosa Leigh (2019)

The Shelter (2015)

Terrordactyl (2016)

Altergeist (2014)

Billy Club (2013)

Modern Love (2006)

Blood Pi (2020)

Maggots (2017)

Nostrum (2010)

Splintered (2010)

The Snarling (2018)

Cell 213 (2011)

Nightshot (2018)

Hatched (2021)

Mega Cyclone (2012)

Visible Scars (2014)

Jake's Road (2017)

Kandisha (2010)

Slayed (2020)

Shadowed (2012)

House of Dust (2013)

Alien : You're welcome!