Movies and Shows Similar to War Pigs

Chasing Sleep (2001)

Reclaim (2014)

Cut Bank (2015)

Frankenstein (2004)

Memorial Day (2012)

Legal Action (2018)

The Informant (1998)

The Operative (2000)

Danger Close (2017)

Iron Brothers (2018)

Solar Attack (2006)

Eminence Hill (2019)

Ravager (1997)

Prototype (1983)

Flashfire (1994)

Get Lucky (2013)

Stonewall (2015)

Dawn Patrol (2015)

Paradox Alice (2013)

Rockaway (2007)

Hard Cash (2002)

Black Box (2020)

Texas, Adios (1966)

Abstruse (2019)

The Windmill (2016)

No Surrender (2019)

Grendel (2007)

Meltdown (2004)

Banshee (2006)

Resistance (2011)

Interrogation (2016)

Outlaw (2007)

Hidden Agenda (2001)

Mott Haven (2021)

Storm Catcher (1999)

The Tracker (2001)

Chokehold (2019)

Cyclops (2008)

Preservation (2015)

Knockdown (2014)

Yellow Rock (2011)

One Way Out (1955)

The Alliance (2021)

Blind Revenge (2012)

The Wolf Pack (2019)

Ambushed (2013)

Hooded Angels (2002)

22 Bullets (2010)

Coastlines (2002)

Hell to Pay (2005)

Officer Down (2013)

The Fixer (1998)

36 Saints (2013)

Pandemic (2009)

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