Movies and Shows Similar to Aliens: Zone of Silence

Alien Valley (2012)

Night Wolf (2012)

Ghost Machine (2010)

Catskill Park (2018)

Discarnate (2019)

Shank (2010)

Rorschach (2015)

Landing Lake (2017)

Monsterland (2016)

Macabre (2013)

Cold Ground (2017)

Crawlspace (2012)

Hell (2012)

Crave (2013)

Number 55 (2014)

Mary (2019)

Storming Juno (2010)

Dood eind (2006)

Expiration (2014)

The Reeds (2010)

The Nothing (2020)

Howlers (2019)

Days of Glory (2006)

Classroom 6 (2015)

Mutants (2009)

Mutant World (2014)

Hunter's Moon (2020)

One Remains (2019)

Apparition (2019)

Painkillers (2015)

Kandisha (2010)

Awake (2019)

Boo! (2019)

Nightshot (2018)

Blind Alley (2011)

Dominium (2013)

Splintered (2010)

Unaware (2013)

Redcon-1 (2019)

Shifter (2020)

Dragon Day (2014)

Kill Mode (2020)

Two Days Back (2011)

Time Now (2021)

Block Z (2020)

Wekufe (2017)

Reuni Z (2018)

Blood Woods (2017)

Leap (2018)

Survival Box (2019)

The Heiress (2019)

Twixtid : The talent from the cast is pretty cringe I ain't gonna lie, that being said, the gators w...