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Dragon world ( 42 items )
223 Views | 0 favorites | Created 5 months ago
by WolgerrWolff
Dragon films, from amazing escapism to “Well, at least there was a CGI blob shaped like a dragon…” |
Animation Station ( 138 items )
4529 Views | 23 favorites | Created 3 years ago
by Arcangel2020
A Playlist of Animated Films, TV shows and Japanese Anime that I really like. |
The Witching Hour ( 564 items )
16265 Views | 61 favorites | Created 4 years ago
by Terminator
“Malleus Maleficarum” In a 2009 translation of Dominican inquisitor Heinrich Kramer’s somewhat influential Malleus Maleficarum (1486), the word sabbath does not occur. A line describing a supposed gathering and using concionem is accurately translat… |
Creature Features ( 604 items )
13277 Views | 42 favorites | Created 5 years ago
by Smmib
Title says it all |
greyfur : Seriously?