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[Dystopian] Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Action, Adventure & Comedy/Romance ( 3310 items )
28472 Views | 36 favorites | Created 1 year ago by Kassanova9876

Movies & TV shows. Primary genres only include: [Dystopian] Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Action, Adventure & Comedy/Romance & any other sub-genre by secondary extension.This archive is modified & updated often.

All Things Gangs, Gangsters & The Mob, Vol. I ( 200 items )
5577 Views | 23 favorites | Created 4 years ago by Arcangel2020

A playlist of Movies, TV Shows, Documentaries and/or Docu-Dramas dedicated to one of my favorite Sub-Genres of Crime Drama Cinema..Organized Crime and all things Gang and Gangster related (The serious as well as the humorous)

RandomComedy ( 9620 items )
25293 Views | 42 favorites | Created 4 years ago by random000

List is modified constantly.
Over 90 pages of random comedy from stand-up, sketch, tv series, cartoons, various film franchises, comic legends, foreign & obscure one-off z-grade nonsense. Grindhouse Sex comedies are a forte, sprinkled everyw…

RandomOddness ( 15291 items )
132588 Views | 204 favorites | Created 4 years ago by random000

This is just a personal nag list of films I’m curious about & am sharing the list. A conversation, recommendation, review, synopsis of a premise can lead anyone down a rabbit hole of curiosity. List is modified constantly.

Over 150 pages. It’s …

HyzMyzFyt Favorite Movies ( 1811 items )
53117 Views | 53 favorites | Created 4 years ago by HyzMysFyt

This collection of movies include my favorite movies, the Genre varies from Action, Biography, Comedy, Crime, Dooms Day, Drama, History, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller, War, and Western. Everything Except DC Comics and Marvel Studios, tha…

Mobster & Gangsters ( 218 items )
8118 Views | 32 favorites | Created 4 years ago by Terminator

“You can get much further with a kind word and a gun then you can with a kind word alone”
~ Al Capone

The Best Movies Of 1997 ( 231 items )
9208 Views | 14 favorites | Created 5 years ago by melissa1983
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