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Damme! Van Damme, I Say! All Things Jean-Claude Van Damme (JCV) ( 30 items )
526 Views | 7 favorites | Created 3 years ago
by Arcangel2020
A Playlist of movies dedicated to Jean-Claude Van Damme that I happen to like. |
Best Fighting Movies ( 26 items )
575 Views | 0 favorites | Created 4 years ago
by liolioliopaque
No description
and...THEY WERE KUNG FU FIGHTING... ( 84 items )
4624 Views | 25 favorites | Created 5 years ago
by JennyFromBlockD
Best Movies Featuring Kung Fu / Martial Arts
The Best movies of 1996 ( 234 items )
8606 Views | 11 favorites | Created 5 years ago
by melissa1983
Again. A list of good movies that came out in the year 1996. Also, like with my other lists, if a movie has a different year other than 1996, I double checked to make sure. I’m just goin’ by what imdb says. lol. |
Favourite Movies ( 5618 items )
770491 Views | 112 favorites | Created 5 years ago
by cyberfox
A growing list of the movies i like. |
Arcangel2020 : This movie is SO laughingly and unbelievably BAD. Back when it came out in the theater? I ...