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[Dystopian] Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Action, Adventure & Comedy/Romance ( 3463 items )
35457 Views | 45 favorites | Created 1 year ago
by Kassanova9876
Movies & TV shows. Primary genres only include: [Dystopian] Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Action, Adventure & Comedy/Romance & any other sub-genre by secondary extension.This archive is modified & updated often. |
The Multi Talented John Ritter ( 8 items )
160 Views | 0 favorites | Created 3 years ago
by paul40au
One of the funniest men in show business, who left us way to soon. |
My 100 Favorite Comedy Movies: ( 100 items )
848 Views | 4 favorites | Created 3 years ago
by Eelectric
(overlaps within my Playlists can be found, as not all movies are just 1 genre, and i like them well enough to give them multiple mentions) |
Comedies, Vol. III ( 200 items )
1577 Views | 6 favorites | Created 4 years ago
by Arcangel2020
Another playlist of comedic films that I like and thought were funny too. |
RandomOddness ( 15769 items )
135949 Views | 208 favorites | Created 4 years ago
by random000
This is just a personal nag list of films I’m curious about & am sharing the list. A conversation, recommendation, review, synopsis of a premise can lead anyone down a rabbit hole of curiosity. List is modified constantly. Over 150 pages. It’s … |
My Favorite Fantasy Movies ( 264 items )
37388 Views | 91 favorites | Created 5 years ago
by JennyFromBlockD
This list contains movies with fantastical worlds, creatures, & elements. List contains no super heroes, time travel, space stuff, or some other things; (all of which will have their own individual lists) UNLESS they fantasy elements were too strong… |
The Best Movies of 1992 ( 170 items )
5567 Views | 13 favorites | Created 5 years ago
by melissa1983
No description
Favourite Movies ( 5618 items )
770489 Views | 112 favorites | Created 5 years ago
by cyberfox
A growing list of the movies i like. |
Twixtid : The talent from the cast is pretty cringe I ain't gonna lie, that being said, the gators w...