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Alternatives to traditional Christmas Movies ( 62 items )
365 Views | 1 favorites | Created 9 months ago by noggin86

For the seasonal vibe without the cookie cutter Hallmark dribble. Many are not actual Christmas movies, and are just set in the season.

horror movies ( 319 items )
459 Views | 1 favorites | Created 1 year ago by geno007
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80's-early 2000's Action ( 45 items )
529 Views | 2 favorites | Created 2 years ago by scruffy_movie

when you’re in the mood for some old school action!!

Don't ask ( 54 items )
1143 Views | 1 favorites | Created 3 years ago by Scott Ross
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All Things Sylvester Stallone ( 49 items )
704 Views | 6 favorites | Created 3 years ago by Arcangel2020

A playlist of the films with Sylvester Stallone in them that I happen to really like

The ultimate squanchy movie list ( 328 items )
3309 Views | 13 favorites | Created 3 years ago by SquanchyMcgeezyBeezy

Only movies that pucker my squanch are here

If you want a movie to squanch da gooch, then get ready to rip a moist spreaddy cause this is the cruchest playlist on here

The Best Movies of 1986 ( 141 items )
3143 Views | 11 favorites | Created 4 years ago by melissa1983
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Dark Heroes / Marvel / Dc Comics / Nightclub UnderGround / Urban Gothic / City Decay /Urban Setting ( 254 items )
9224 Views | 29 favorites | Created 4 years ago by Terminator
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Favourite Movies ( 5618 items )
766124 Views | 107 favorites | Created 5 years ago by cyberfox

A growing list of the movies i like.