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RandomComedy ( 9856 items )
26293 Views | 43 favorites | Created 4 years ago by random000

List is modified constantly.
Over 90 pages of random comedy from stand-up, sketch, tv series, cartoons, various film franchises, comic legends, foreign & obscure one-off z-grade nonsense. Grindhouse Sex comedies are a forte, sprinkled everyw…

A Tribute to Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon ( 11 items )
308 Views | 1 favorites | Created 4 years ago by RoboPhone

Walter Matthau (/ˈmæθaʊ/) born Walter John Matthow; October 1, 1920 – July 1, 2000) was an iconic American actor nominated for…

CLASSIC FILMS TCM ( 147 items )
1305 Views | 7 favorites | Created 4 years ago by James9668
No description
Favourite Movies ( 5618 items )
770491 Views | 112 favorites | Created 5 years ago by cyberfox

A growing list of the movies i like.