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[Dystopian] Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Action, Adventure & Comedy/Romance ( 3463 items )
35398 Views | 45 favorites | Created 1 year ago
by Kassanova9876
Movies & TV shows. Primary genres only include: [Dystopian] Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Action, Adventure & Comedy/Romance & any other sub-genre by secondary extension.This archive is modified & updated often. |
Zombies & the Undead ( 116 items )
721 Views | 5 favorites | Created 1 year ago
by Kassanova9876
Only serious post apocalyptic, outbreak & infection/virus/resurrection type zombie movies & TV shows, no ridiculously outlandish or super boring Grade-B offshoots, but with a few minor, consistent & comedic/related sub-type exceptions. |
Piglet : Russell Crowe will play the spy Adolf Tolkachev, who is set on a highly dangerous mission ...