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🤖 Dystopian future & cyberpunk films and TV shows ( 1170 items )
65476 Views | 129 favorites | Created 4 years ago by Greer

What happens when rebellion, oppression, revolutions, wars, overpopulation, disasters, and artificial intelligence take over the world? Here is a list of plausible bleak futures that film makers have envisioned for us.

RandomOddness ( 15291 items )
132596 Views | 204 favorites | Created 4 years ago by random000

This is just a personal nag list of films I’m curious about & am sharing the list. A conversation, recommendation, review, synopsis of a premise can lead anyone down a rabbit hole of curiosity. List is modified constantly.

Over 150 pages. It’s …

HyzMyzFyt Favorite Movies ( 1811 items )
53121 Views | 53 favorites | Created 4 years ago by HyzMysFyt

This collection of movies include my favorite movies, the Genre varies from Action, Biography, Comedy, Crime, Dooms Day, Drama, History, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller, War, and Western. Everything Except DC Comics and Marvel Studios, tha…

Terrorists / Acts of Terror Playlist ( 133 items )
7822 Views | 21 favorites | Created 4 years ago by JennyFromBlockD

Movies & Series featuring assassinations, bombings, and other such plots lined or directly revolving around terrorism.
Suggestions & Favorites much appreciated!
Check my other lists for so many more that are broken down into specified genres like th…

The Best Movies of 2013 ( 223 items )
7891 Views | 13 favorites | Created 4 years ago by melissa1983
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