Description: A growing list of classic animation.
Creator: cyberfox
Posted: 5 years ago
53 favorites
Wagon Heels (Short 1945)
( 1945 )
Porky leads a wagon train into "Injun Joe Territory," and finally comes up against the fearsome Superchief. But Sloppy Moe, a survivor of a previous Injun Joe attack, knows something about him he won't tell... until the very end.
Happy Go Ducky (Short 1958)
( 1958 )
The Easter bunny brings an egg for Tom and Jerry that hatches into the little duckling. He keeps getting into water he shouldn't: the aquarium, water cooler, bathtub, sink, as the boys keep rescuing it. They try to give the duck back to the Easter bunny - no go. They leave it in the pond at the park and think they're home free, until the duckling brings his friends home.
Tom's Photo Finish
( 1957 )
Tom has a chunk of the leftover chicken just before his owner George goes to look at the fridge. He threatens to take care of whichever animal did it. Tom frames Spike the dog, but Jerry snaps a photo of him in the act, prints up dozens of copies, and then battles Tom to get George to see one of them.
Mucho Mouse (Short 1957)
( 1957 )
Tom, an award-winning mouse catcher, arrives in Spain to catch the flamenco dancing El Magnifico, (Jerry).
Feedin' the Kiddie
( 1957 )
Jerry and Tuffy lead a quest to the dinner. So, Tom, Jerry and Tuffy had a fight over thanksgiving. In the end, Tom, Jerry and Tuffy agree to eat the turkey but Tuffy ate the whole turkey.
Timid Tabby
( 1957 )
Tom's fraidy cat cousin comes for a visit and Jerry takes advantage of the cowardly feline.
Tops with Pops
( 1957 )
Spike the bulldog warns Tom to keep away from his son, Tyke. Jerry realizes that sticking close to the boy is the best way to repel his feline tormentor, but Tom is not about to let the mouse evade him so easily.
Muscle Beach Tom (Short 1956)
( 1956 )
Tom settles in for a day at the beach with his sweety, accidentally ruining Jerry's day. Meanwhile, Tom's girl is paying more attention to the bodybuilders than to Tom.
The Egg and Jerry (Short 1956)
( 1956 )
A baby woodpecker mistakes Jerry for his mother. The mouse rejects the newly hatched bird but soon finds himself protecting it against his feline nemesis, Tom.
The Goose Goes South (Short 1941)
( 1941 )
The geese are flying south all except for the runty one that's the focus of this cartoon. He tries hitchhiking, but since nobody picks him up (though one car stops and gives him a double-talk explanation), he walks. This gives us the chance to see a number of regional gags: a hillbilly father tells his son to work, and the son asks why?; the long arm of the law (literally) goes after a moonshiner; the goose eats a watermelon, and is chased off by the farmer; two Southern gentlemen cordially tilt the pinball table. Meanwhile, the doubletalking car stops a few more times, the last of them on a dock; it drives off the dock, and the goose says he can't rescue the driver, complete with the same kind of double-talk explanation.
The Stork's Holiday
( 1943 )
The stork tells about a harrowing encounter with a gun emplacement. As a result, he declares himself "closed for the duration." His reflection in the mirror, however, gives him a pep talk, reminding him of his ancestors who flew in the previous wars. The stork sets out with homemade armor and, with the help of a cigar smoke screen and a cloud, manages to send the planes chasing him right down the barrel of the "Big Bertha" gun.
Home on the Range
( 1940 )
To the sound of the title song being sung by a campfire, a cow and her calf are bedding down for the night. The calf is frightened by a shadow, until it's revealed to be a jackrabbit. He follows the rabbit deep into the woods, but neither of them notices the wolf following until it's too late for the calf. The calf is trapped in a niche under some rocks, which the wolf quickly digs out. The wolf is closing in on the calf when the rabbit tries to distract him, to no avail. The rabbit bounds off in search of the calf's mother, while the other animals use a porcupine like a battering ram. This buys enough time for the calf to run for home, just as the rabbit and cow are closing in. One look and the wolf runs off, and everyone heads home, with the calf looking back to thank the rabbit, whose ears clasp together above his head in victory.
Art Gallery
( 1939 )
An art museum, on a dark and stormy night. The statue of Nero comes to life and tries to burn the nearby painting of Rome but his matches go out. He tries to get a set of "hear no evil" monkeys to take the matches from a still life, but they refuse and he teases them. The other artworks come to their defense. Nero plays hurt, and gets the monkeys to help; after they stumble around in the still life for a while, they get drunk on lighter fluid and start breathing flames, which they combine with the fluid to act as a flamethrower. Soon, the museum is ablaze and all the paintings are either sounding the alarm or coming to fight the fire.
One Mother's Family
( 1939 )
A mother hen is taking her brood for a walk. They encounter obstacles along the way, such as traffic. There's a runt of the litter, who has more trouble with these than the rest. Momma stalks an inch-worm; she shushes the chicks; of course, the runt keeps bumping into things and making noise. And the biggest hazard of all is the hawk. But just when it looks like the hawk is going to get the runt, a run-in with a skunk saves him.
The Bookworm
( 1939 )
Three witches need a worm to complete their potion; they dispatch a raven to catch one, and he goes after a bookworm. He chases the worm into the horror section, where the monsters attack but soon, Paul Revere rides Black Beauty to the rescue, along with the Police Gazette, and other assorted war heroes; eventually, the Boy Scouts build a match-stick bridge, leading the worm to safety.
The Homeless Flea
( 1940 )
A hobo flea finds an unoccupied dog and settles in, chopping down hairs, stringing a hammock, and building a fire. This forces the dog to take comfort in a fish-bowl, and to go after the flea.
Little Gravel Voice
( 1942 )
A little burro is beloved by all the cute woodland creatures until he opens his mouth and they hear the horrible braying. Dejected, he wanders off on a mountain trail to cry. A wolf spots him, and begins stalking but the braying, even more hideous when mixed with sobs, chases him off. The wolf spots easier prey: the same cute critters that rejected our hero earlier. He corners a baby gopher, and is closing in, when the burro arrives and brays him right into a rock and off a cliff. The creatures decide to embrace the burro and to tie his ears around his mouth to silence him.
Good Will to Men
( 1955 )
A group of young mice is in the ruins of a church, practicing singing for an upcoming service. After singing an adulterated version of "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing," the mice wonder about the last line, "Good will to men." One of them asks the chorus master, an old mouse, "What are men?" The old mouse explains that they all killed each other off by building bigger and more destructive weapons, first guns, then missiles, then bombs.
The Milky Way
( 1940 )
The Three Little Kittens tie helium balloons to a basket and travel up to the Milky Way, which is filled with all the milk they can drink.
The Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse (Short 1964)
( 1964 )
Tom has Jerry on a leash and is treating him like a slave when a cute little kitten arrives. Since the kitten is a threat to Tom, Jerry naturally befriends him.
Mrs. Ladybug
( 1940 )
A hungry spider disguises himself as a maid in order to get into Mrs. Ladybug's house to eat her children. The children have different ideas, though.
The Bookworm Turns
( 1940 )
Poe's Raven, not feeling well, goes in search of a doctor, and in a nearby book finds Dr. Jekyll. The doctor offers to transfer the bookworm's brain to the raven.
Dance of the Weed
( 1941 )
A clumsy yokel of a male weed courts a delicate female flower ballerina by trying to dance with her.
The First Swallow
( 1942 )
The story of a single swallow who, taking a rest from southward flight at a mission in California, ultimately brings about the famed migration of swallows to the mission at San Juan Capistrano.
Jerky Turkey
( 1945 )
The Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock and found a colony. A very large number of Pilgrims can be seen standing in line... for their cigarette rations. A Pilgrim goes hunting for Thanksgiving dinner. He meets a black market turkey, one who sounds like Jimmy Durante. The turkey sells himself to the Pilgrim, but a chase ensues... The turkey can deflect machine gun bullets... when dressed as Superman. The two declare a truce and decide to eat together at Joe's Diner...
Pecos Pest (Short 1955)
( 1955 )
Jerry's eccentric uncle, Pecos, a Texas mouse, comes to spend the night with him before his musical performance on television the next day. He decides to rehearse with his guitar for the performance but each time he plays, one of his guitar strings snaps off. Fortunately, he is able to replace them by plucking off one of Tom's whiskers each time. Tom is rather relucta...Read all
Bats in the Belfry
( 1942 )
A trio of belfry-dwelling bats explain to us, musically, (and demonstrate) why they are associated with nuttiness. Especially the smallest.
The Blue Danube
( 1939 )
A conductor, in silhouette against sheet music, leads the title tune, which dissolves into a series of placid landscapes. As the music picks up, there is a water wheel, then a dancing fairy emerges from a whirlpool and begins singing, to the delight of small woodland creatures. The birds awaken sleeping cherubs, who begin their work of harvesting all things blue and adding them to the river. The birds even do their part, harvesting the color blue from the rainbow. Everyone tugs to open a floodgate and unleash the cerulean waters. A swan, festively decorated, leads a gondola of sorts lit by fireflies.
Little Cesario
( 1941 )
A family of St. Bernard dogs lives high in the Alps; all have saved many lives, except for the diminutive and not to bright Little Cesario. We see the dogs set out to work; the hapless Cesario keeps getting in the way of the top dog, Big Alexander. A blizzard hits, and Cesario runs back to the monastery as Big Alexander trudges on. From the monastery, he can see Big Alexander trapped on a ledge. He rushes to the rescue, turning into a giant snowball that knocks Big Alexander from his perch just as a landslide crushes the location. Little Cesario finally has a saved life to his credit.
Neapolitan Mouse (Short 1954)
( 1954 )
Tom chases Jerry through the streets of Naples; they meet a local mouse who recognizes them from their cartoons and shows them around. Meanwhile, some local dogs are shadowing them.
Hic-cup Pup
( 1954 )
Spike has just put Tyke to bed for his nap when Tom and Jerry chase out the door to Tyke's crib, waking him up. This gives Tyke an attack of hiccups. Spike warns Tom not to wake him up again, which of course is all Jerry needs...
That's My Pup!
( 1953 )
Spike explains to his son the rules of being a dog: 1: be man's best friend (begging, lying at feet); 2: bury bones; 3: chase cats. Just then, Tom (and Jerry) run by, offering the perfect practice subject. Spike lectures Tom to be scared by the pup or else; Jerry overhears, and is soon doing his best dog impersonation, while Tom works on various strategies to neutralize Tyke.
The Missing Mouse
( 1953 )
Upon hearing about a white mouse that could explode is on the loose, Jerry decides to impersonate it to torment Tom.
Jerry and Jumbo
( 1953 )
A baby elephant rolls off the circus train and right into Tom's bed. He quickly allies himself with Jerry, and with a rolled-up trunk and some paint, passes himself off as a giant mouse. The two then keep trading places to the bafflement of Tom.
Little Runaway
( 1952 )
A baby seal escapes from the circus and ends up in Jerry's backyard pond. Tom finds out soon enough when Jerry grabs a fish from Tom's plate, and when the circus offers a $10,000 reward, his goal is clear. After some straightforward chases, Tom disguises himself in an inner tube to lure the seal and gets caught by the circus's own patrol.
Codename: Robotech
( 1985 )
After returning to Earth, Captain Gloval of the SDF-1 records a report of the events from the alien ship's first arrival and the war fought over it.
Robotech II: The Sentinels
( 1988 )
As the Robotech Expeditionary Force prepares to confront the Robotech Masters at their home planet, the Invid are already ravaging it.
Golden Eggs
( 1941 )
Donald reads in his newspaper that eggs are really going up in value and the price is skyrocketing. Donald realizes that if he had some eggs, he would be quite the wealthy duck so he breaks into a nearby hen-house and collects as many eggs as possible putting them all in a huge basket. Unfortunately, a rooster standing guard makes his presence known and ejects Donald. The inventive duck is able to get back in disguised as a female chicken who the rooster falls for and dances with. Unfortunately, with the rubber glove comb constantly coming loose and a caterpillar falling down the back of his suit, he is ever at the risk of being discovered.
Wet Paint
( 1946 )
Donald re-paints his car, and a bird lands on it. In the mayhem that ensues, the car ends up covered with handprints, spotted a dozen different colors, stripped of paint, and covered with the stuffing from the seats so that it resembles a sheepdog.
Dumb Bell of the Yukon
( 1946 )
A snowy scene; Daisy would like a fur coat, so Donald filches a baby bear from its sleeping mother. But the mother awakens and tracks Donald (and her baby) down. Donald uses his own fur coat to disguise himself as a bear cub. The real cub returns, and Donald looks like he might be in trouble, but a jar of honey turns him into the bear's best friend instead.
Contrary Condor
( 1944 )
Donald is trying to collect a condor's egg when the condor returns. He hides inside an empty egg and regrets this when the large, warm mother returns. He regrets it even more when he "hatches" and mama encourages him to fly. And mama proves to be even more protective than Donald would like.
Porky and Gabby (Short 1937)
( 1937 )
Porky and Gabby are driving off to a camping vacation. But between a road rage incident and some trouble negotiating hills, it's off to a bad start. On arrival, they face mishaps with a fly, the tent, and a runaway outboard motor.
Porky's Cafe (Short 1942)
( 1942 )
Porky uses his mechanical gadgets to fix a meal for a strange little man, while cook Conrad Cat deals with an ant in the pancake mix.
You're Not Built That Way
( 1936 )
Pudgy the pup tries to emulate a tough bulldog, but Betty Boop sings him the error of his ways.
Dancing on the Moon (Short 1935)
( 1935 )
Honeymooning couples of various animal species take a rocket ship excursion to the moon. Spectacular lunar scenery.
The New Deal Show
( 1937 )
Betty Boop emcees a show of pet-aid gadgets. Object: a "new deal for pets." Some ideas copied from Betty Boop's Crazy Inventions (1933).
The Little Stranger
( 1936 )
A stranger deposits an egg in a duck's nest; it hatches as a baby chicken. It doesn't fit in well with its three duckling nestmates, particularly when it comes to swimming. Momma tries to solve the swimming problem with a couple of leaves, but sends the chick home when that fails. The chick hits on using a half-eggshell as a boat, and manages to rejoin the group. Then trouble, in the form of a bird of prey, which tries to snatch a duckling, but loses a tailfeather to the chick. It chases the chick into an old mill, but gets its head stuck in a wheel. The chick is a hero, and teaches his siblings to crow like a rooster.
( 1930 )
An Italian immigrant discovers his wife is a hootchy-kootchy dancer. Later, the audience is invited to follow the bouncing ball and sing along to "Mariutch Down at Coney Island."
Somewhere in Dreamland (Short 1936)
( 1936 )
In their dreams, two poor and hungry tots enter a fantasy kingdom where there are more sweets than they can eat. But when they wake...
Spree Lunch (Short 1957)
( 1957 )
Popeye opens a diner; Bluto pulls one up right across the street. Wimpy comes along, and they compete for his business. The competition escalates, until finally they are throwing things at each other; Wimpy stands between them and snags a complete meal from the stream of objects passing overhead. Another spinach-free Popeye.
Cookin' with Gags (Short 1955)
( 1955 )
The boys are taking Olive on a picnic. It's April 1, and Bluto plays a series of "jokes" on Popeye, though of course they go beyond the bounds of acceptability, particularly once they get to the picnic grounds; Bluto puts gasoline on the fire he asks Popeye to light and swaps a beehive for the lemonade. Bluto then launches a cruel joke against Olive and frames Popeye. The capper: he replaces Popeye's spinach with a joke can, and runs off with Olive for some canoeing. But Popeye gets the last laugh with an inflatable sea monster.
Big Bad Sindbad (Short 1952)
( 1952 )
Popeye tells his nephews about the time he walloped Sinbad, the *second* greatest sailor who ever lived.
I Never Changes My Altitude (Short 1937)
( 1937 )
Popeye is sitting outside Olive's lunchroom at the airport, distraught. She's closed the business to fly away with an aviator (Bluto, of course). But it's hardly what she expected; he has her painting his plane, while it's flying; wh
Felix the Cat Hunts the Hunter (Short 1926)
( 1926 )
Felix's owner, a hunter, gets lost in the jungle and the animals capture him and his supplies. A nosy ostrich swallows the hunter's rifle. Complications ensue.
Felix the Cat Kept on Walking (Short 1925)
( 1925 )
After Felix is thrown out of the house for walking on the piano keys, he meets a poet who tells him that riches are beyond the horizon. He walks to England, where he is chased by immigration officers and escapes on a horse he steals from a statue. He comes across a group of soccer players, who kick him across the continent and he lands in Egypt. After finding no riches there either, he encounters the poet again, and takes his revenge.
Felix the Cat Trips Thru Toyland (Short 1925)
( 1925 )
Felix saves a girl doll from a dog, and the doll comes to life and falls for Felix. She takes him to Toyland, where he must save her from the designs of the evil Pierrot. As it turns out, though, she's not quite as helpless as she mi
Felix the Cat Misses His Swiss (Short 1926)
( 1926 )
Felix The Cat gets a job protecting a cheese shop from three industrious mice. When he foils their plans, they head off for Switzerland in search of bigger and better cheeses - but Felix is in pursuit.
Felix the Cat Busts a Bubble (Short 1926)
( 1926 )
Felix's girlfriend decides to stop taking care of him and go to Hollywood to be a movie star. Felix follows her there in order to sabotage her screen tests and make her go back home with him.
Felix the Cat Switches Witches (Short 1927)
( 1927 )
Felix gets involved in some surreal Halloween pranks, then visits a fortune-telling owl who foretells romance. But can Felix find the cat of his dreams on such a spooky night?
A Goofy Movie
( 1995 )
When Max makes a preposterous promise to a girl he has a crush on, his chances to fulfilling it seem hopeless when he is dragged onto a cross-country trip with his embarrassing father, Goofy.
TV Show:
The Beatles
( 1965 )
The animated comic misadventures of John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Each week, the Beatles star in two adventures. The title of each adventure is a Beatles song title. Also, there's a sing-along, with two songs, hosted by Ringo, and one of the other Beatles.
The Song of the Birds (Short 1935)
( 1935 )
A destructive little boy with an air rifle shoots a baby bird and is mortified when the bird's parents, and all the other birds, go into mourning.
Chicken a la King (Short 1937)
( 1937 )
A rooster sultan is bored by his harems. A duck strongly resembling 'Mae West' entices him. Her lover arrives, and they do battle; the lovers leave, and the sultan, humiliated, turns to his harem, who beat him up.
Little Swee'pea (Short 1936)
( 1936 )
Popeye takes Swee' Pea to the zoo and spends most of his time rescuing the tot from the various animals.
Summer (Short 1930)
( 1930 )
In the logical sequel to Springtime (1929), a new set of insects (mostly) dances to a new set of tunes, while doing summer activities. The insects include dung beetles, dragonflies, butterflies, a walking stick, bees, and various other beetles and flies.
A Bear for Punishment (Short 1951)
( 1951 )
It's Father's Day, and Junyer and Ma have a bunch of big surprises in store for good ol' Pa, including a pipe filled with gunpowder. To top it off, there's a gala Father's Day pageant, and Pa sits cringing through Junyer's recitation and aghast at Ma's tap-dancing rendition of "I'm Just Wild About Father."
Lovelorn Leghorn (Short 1951)
( 1951 )
Foggy is being attacked by the dog, but turns the situation into a football match where he kicks the dog's head. Prissy is looking for a husband and dresses up a bowling ball in a costume so she can get back at Foggy for hurting the dog.
The Wearing of the Grin (Short 1951)
( 1951 )
Porky Pig is a weary traveler who must stay the night in a foreboding castle. There, the castle's caretaker warns Porky about the leprechauns that roam the grounds tricking wayward travelers.
Scent-imental Romeo (Short 1951)
( 1951 )
A hungry cat disguises herself as a skunk to get in on feeding time at the zoo, but amorous Pepe thinks she's the real thing and pours on his Maurice Chevalier impression to win her over.
A Bone for a Bone (Short 1951)
( 1951 )
The first goofy gopher cartoon that expresses their gentility over their goofiness, until a dog wants to bury his bone in their home.
Canned Feud (Short 1951)
( 1951 )
Sylvester Cat finds that his people have gone on vacation and left him alone in a locked house with a large stash of canned food in a cupboard. Sylvester needs a can opener, or he'll starve. And a pesky mouse has the only can opener in the house and torments Sylvester into trying more and more desperate measures to obtain it.
Dog Gone South (Short 1950)
( 1950 )
Ever in search of a master, no matter how unwilling, Charlie winds up on a plantation down South and tries to force himself on the owner, a Confederate Colonel. Unfortunately, the Colonel already has a pet bulldog, "Belvedere."
Golden Yeggs (Short 1950)
( 1950 )
On Porky Pig's farm, a goose lays a golden egg and says that Daffy Duck laid it. Daffy is quite willing to take the credit and resultant fame, that is until Rocky the gangster kidnaps Daffy and orders him at gunpoint to lay more!
An Egg Scramble (Short 1950)
( 1950 )
On Porky Pig's farm, Miss Prissy, a slow-witted hen, has never laid an egg. So, one of her fellow hens paints Prissy's name on an egg and places it in Prissy's nest. Prissy believes she laid the egg and proudly refuses to let Porky have it to give to a market's truck. Porky takes the egg from her and gives it to the driver of the truck. Prissy follows the truck to a n...Read all
His Bitter Half (Short 1950)
( 1950 )
Daffy Duck marries for money, but the bossy wife and her raucous, trouble-making little son soon have him filing for divorce.
West of the Pesos (Short 1960)
( 1960 )
Sylvester Cat is a guard at a Mexican experimental laboratory where mice are confined for research. The families of the captured mice place a call to Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in Mexico, to help them rescue their compadres. Speedy comes and engages in the usual battle of wits and feet with Sylvester.
keithlovestv : This isn't the right episode, this is Daredevil (2015) season 1, episode 3.