Description: Beach party movies were an American film genre of feature films produced and released between 1963 and 1968, created by American International Pictures (AIP), beginning with their surprise hit, Beach Party in July 1963. With this film, AIP is credited with creating the genre. These films also featured Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello: the “IT” Couple. Although both Columbia Pictures’ Gidget (1959) and Gidget Goes Hawaiian (1961) have been cited as precursors to the genre, AIP’s premiere Beach Party took the Gidget idea, removed the moral lesson and the parents, added more young talent with fewer clothes, and followed the studio’s usual format of pandering to teenage moviegoers with popular trends, original songs and music.
Creator: RoboPhone
Posted: 5 years ago
3 favorites
( 1959 )
A young girl discovers surfing and love (in that order) during one transitive summer.
Gidget Goes Hawaiian
( 1961 )
Francine (Gidget) is desperate: her parents want to force her to come with them on vacation to Hawaii - just during the two weeks when her beloved "Moondoggie" is home from College. When he suggests she go for it, she's even more in panic - doesn't he care to be with her? So she sets out for Hawaii in the worst mood. On the plane she meets the sociable Abby, who gives her the advice to forget about Jeff - and regrets it shortly after, when Francine follows the advice and steals her boyfriend Eddie, a famous dancer. But then Jeff discovers he's missing Francine...
Beach Party
( 1963 )
A bearded anthropologist studies the habits of swingin' American teens while they enjoy the summer surfing, loving, and partying at the beach.
Muscle Beach Party
( 1964 )
Local beach-goers find that their beach has been taken over by a businessman training a stable of body builders.
Bikini Beach
( 1964 )
A millionaire sets out to prove his theory that his pet chimpanzee is as intelligent as the teenagers who hang out on the local beach, where he is intending to build a retirement home.
Pajama Party
( 1964 )
Sent to Earth to prepare for an invasion, a Martian scout lands amidst a swim party and tries to convince everyone that he really is who he says.
Beach Blanket Bingo
( 1965 )
In the fourth of the highly successful Frankie and Annette beach party movies, a motorcycle gang led by Eric Von Zipper kidnaps singing star Sugar Kane managed by Bullets, who hires sky-diving surfers Steve and Bonnie from Big Drop for a publicity stunt. With the usual gang of kids and a mermaid named Lorelei.
How to Stuff a Wild Bikini
( 1965 )
Frankie, on naval-reserve duty in Tahiti, doesn't trust Dee Dee to stay faithful, so he hires Bwana, a witch doctor, to help. Bwana conjures up a floating bikini, "stuffs" it with Cassandra, and sends her to distract advertising executive Ricky from Dee Dee.
The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini
( 1966 )
A corpse has 24 hours to mastermind a good deed without leaving his crypt, to go "up there" and have his youth restored.
Back to the Beach
( 1987 )
Frankie and Annette, having grown up and put aside their beach-partying lifestyle, visit their daughter in Southern California and discover there's still some wild times left in them.
Rollegius : Absolutely loving this series!