Description: Richard Richard AKA Rik Mayall & Edward Elizabeth Hitler AKA Adrian Edmondson, two men with no hope of ever fitting in with society. the Young ones in middle age . and various other connected shows . R I P - Rik
Creator: NOGARD47
Posted: 5 years ago
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TV Show:
( 1991 )
Richard Richard & Edward Elizabeth Hitler, two men with no hope of fitting in with society. Two men who will forever fall foul of lifes little jokes, mainly because they are too stupid to avoid them! Adrian Edmondson and Rik Mayall take an anarchic look into the lives of these two friends who are forever threatening, and commiting, violence on each other. This series could be said to be a follow up, of a kind, to The Young Ones. Same stars and same attitude but the young ones are now heading into middle age. A succesful series that spawned three live tours (and three videos of these shows) and a big screen film, Guest House Paradiso. Although the film was not released as such it is advertised as a Bottom film on the video release.
Bottom Live
( 1993 )
Richie buys an inflatable doll named Monica as his lover, and he tries to conceal it from Eddie. But it all goes terribly wrong when Richie accidentally super glues Monica to his groin, mistaking Eddie's super glue for Handcream.
Bottom Live 2003: Weapons Grade Y-Fronts Tour
( 2003 )
Eddie has locked himself away in the toilet and Richie finds he's been inventing gadgets and only to find himself joining Eddie on a adventure through time and space on-board Eddie's time machine "The Turdis" which is a toilet cubicle.
Bottom 2001: An Arse Oddity
( 2001 )
Richie and Eddie escapes from the island and try to get to the bar to have a drink, only to find themselves trapped in a underground chamber and Richie thinks they've been abducted by aliens.
Guest House Paradiso
( 1999 )
Richie and Eddie, a perverted loser and his alcoholic partner-in-crime, run the worst hotel in Britain: the Guest House Paradiso.
Bottom Live: The Big Number 2 Tour
( 1995 )
Queen Elizabeth is attending a parade in Hammersmith and Richie and Eddie plans on inviting the Queen to join them for supper. But their plan goes wrong.
Bottom Live 3: Hooligan's Island
( 1997 )
Richie and Eddie find themselves stranded on a tropical island, only to find the island is a atomic-test site, where the French tests atomic weaponry.
Bottom Fluff
( 1996 )
Bottom Fluff is a collection of bloopers from all 3 series of bottom
TV Show:
The Young Ones
( 1982 )
Anarchic sitcom about degenerate North London students in the 80s.
TV Show:
The Comic Strip Presents...
( 1981 )
The Comic Strip Presents... began airing on the launch night of Channel 4 in November 1982. The show aired a number of episodes and one-off satirical comedy specials over a number of years, including a move to BBC2 in the early 1990s. Since 2012, GOLD has begun airing brand new one-off episodes of the show with some of the original cast members. The cast who originally appeared in the show include Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders, Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson, many of the cast members comedy careers launched due to the series popularity.
Drop Dead Fred
( 1991 )
A young woman who's attempting to find her place in the world battles with her controlling mother and a womanizing husband finds comfort and confusion with the appearance of her childhood friend. It is a zappy movie that emphasizes self-actualization.
TV Show:
Man Down
( 2013 )
Comedy series written by and starring Greg Davies as Dan, a childish idiot whose world is on the brink of collapse.
TV Show:
Rik Mayall Presents
( 1993 )
Rik Mayall Presents comprises six episodes of dark humour spread over two series, where he plays such diverse roles as a paranoid TV show host, an uncontrollable liar who pretends to be a gangster and a man on a date who is trapped in a cycle of escalating comic violence!
TV Show:
The New Statesman
( 1987 )
A British comedy that might be described as a combination of Yes, Minister and Blackadder, this is the story of A. B'Stard, a statesman in the tradition of Genghis Khan, who will stop at nothing to make himself richer and more comfortable. Arguably the most conservative member of the British Parliament, he is aided by a witless colleague, MP Piers Fletcher-Dervish.
TV Show:
Whoops Apocalypse
( 1982 )
A light-hearted look at the final week before doomsday. American President Johnny Cyclops is trying to run a re-election campaign while dealing with the Russians, a deposed Shah needing to be hidden, and a new weapon called a 'quark' bomb. Meanwhile, Lacrobat, the infamous terrorist, has stolen one of the quark bombs and is trying to get it into the Middle East. Stopping Lacrobat, getting the Shah to safety, placating the Russians and winning the election will require a brilliantly planned and perfectly executed strategy on the part of President Cyclops...
Merlin: The Return
( 2000 )
A scientist awakens King Arthur and his knights, and the forces of good and evil do battle once more.
TV Show:
Filthy Rich & Catflap
( 1987 )
The series featured former The Young Ones stars Nigel Planer, Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson as its three title characters respectively. It was written by Ben Elton with additional material credited to Mayall. One series of six half-hour episodes was produced (although the notion of a second series is played upon in the final episode, and the continuity announcer on the last installment says "...and Filthy, Rich and Catflap will return next year." They didn't.)
fouronesevenfly : so gooood