laurie621 : Billy Bob in all his unique gift of gab glory.. No one says it the way it is like BB and ...
laurie621 : Cute little show. I'm not in love with it but it's defiantly watchable.
laurie621 : Ahh.. three starts at most. I tried to like it and did watch them up to date.. but as I s...
WeeKnighT : Art Fisher directed the pilot, he was a variety show specialist, sonny and cher, andy will...
laurie621 : A friend of mine talks about this show so I started watching it and was about to quit beca...
theghettophilosopher : Mike judge playing rick is hilarious. you can hear the Hank Hill and Butthead. Its like Ah...
Dis : I saw this movie once and still think about it often, as we fall deeper into the Cyber Age...
laurie621 : Different. For sure worth watching... I did, twice
laurie621 : Not bad...worth a watch.
mikebcarguy : A worthy successor to, "Scavengers Reign."
laurie621 : Billy Bob in all his unique gift of gab glory.. No one says it the way it is like BB and ...