pipo : It started a bit confusing but slowly develop into a nice classic film, based on a true ev...
ErichKlopfton : And why would that be? You do know that the Ufo Thing has been milked into oblivion? Since...
AstroJeston : Fan-made grade rubbish with awful “special effects”.
expresso : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Very interesting and understated film, the more I continue thinking about it the more powe...
AdChris : Glad to see this show back on again. Good times.
fcginmexico : hahaha yeah, which for me is great as i cant get enough of the beautifully spaced out tens...
fcginmexico : This is exactly why i like it so much.... Solo told her she could get the bends and the sh...
Birdsforme : Can't get more intense than this!
Libs368 : You got me. I didn't realize the episode was only 47 minutes, because it felt like it drag...
pramwire : Wow! That really is some "the example" of pure bad. I was shocked to see it was crapped ou...