This film in the series about the world's most extreme human bodies explores the extraordinary life of Edward Hernandez, who at the age of 24 is just 27 inches tall
grasshopper rex : My bad. I misread his name. :)
dosmundos : calling a guy arseface isn't a personal attack? can you say hypocrite :p
Jompa79 : They are going to hell
burgermeister : TST in a nutshell: "Don't like it? Sue us, we dare you!"
burgermeister : Nice.
grasshopper rex : TST now operates 2 telehealth abortion clinics using their religious status to make sure t...
Vaporgator : This is probably the best sci-fi series happening at the moment, in my opinion. Also, I wo...
snazzydetritus : It was magnificent. I am joining the TST immediately.
Alien : Kevin Kline is a national treasure when he's not being a wanker.
Alien : ;)
grasshopper rex : My bad. I misread his name. :)