The story of the world's heaviest woman, Renee Williams, a 64-stone, 29-year-old mother of two who, in a desperate bid to save her life, undergoes major surgery.
Alien : my sides just split
grasshopper rex : My bad. I misread his name. :)
dosmundos : calling a guy arseface isn't a personal attack? can you say hypocrite :p
Jompa79 : They are going to hell
burgermeister : TST in a nutshell: "Don't like it? Sue us, we dare you!"
grasshopper rex : TST now operates 2 telehealth abortion clinics using their religious status to make sure t...
Vaporgator : This is probably the best sci-fi series happening at the moment, in my opinion. Also, I wo...
snazzydetritus : It was magnificent. I am joining the TST immediately.
Alien : Kevin Kline is a national treasure when he's not being a wanker.
Alien : ;)
Alien : my sides just split