Madcap animated comedy. Reading the horror story The Millenary Legend of the Witch, Tata is shivering with fear - suddenly, a phone call from Pobi, Tata and Kuma rings in Pobi's room upstairs. From a tomato cultivation machine to a huge pot of tomato soup, there is lots of strange stuff at Pobi's place, and when Tata and Kuma learn that Pobi has lived for 1000 years just like the witch from the book, they are suddenly gripped with fear and worry about the purpose of Pobi's invitation. |
Title: | Pobi's Invitation 1 | |
Air Date: | No date | |
Runtime: | Unknown | |
Genres: | Children | |
kraichgau : this sheridan seems to be the ultimate series runner at the moment for "great USA themes"....