Playlists > The TV Shows of 2011

The TV Shows of 2011
Creator: melissa1983
Posted: 4 years ago

4 favorites


TV Show: Mad Love ( 2011 )
Mad Love is a comedy about a quartet of New Yorkers - two who are falling in love and two who despise each other... at least for now. Ben, a lawyer, is a hopeless romantic trying to build a relationship with Kate, a beautiful, smart girl whom Ben thinks is the woman of his dreams. Larry, Ben's unrefined best friend and co-worker, is a guy who doesn't believe in love and has a long track record as the third wheel. Connie, Kate's roommate, works as a nanny and finds Larry aggravating... or does she? Larry and Connie have a lot in common, but refuse to let their guard down long enough to see it.
TV Show: Dan vs. ( 2011 )
Dan thinks the whole world is against him. Maybe it is, and maybe it isn't -- not even his laid-back friend Chris is totally sure. Maybe Dan's just imagining it all. But, like Chris, you can't help going along for the ride when Dan dreams up his wild plots to get even with whoever or whatever he thinks is out to get him.
TV Show: Free Agents ( 2011 )
This crooked workplace/romantic comedy proves you can try to put yourself back out there, but sometimes what you need is right in front of you. Even if it's a really bad idea.
TV Show: The Drunk and on Drugs Happy Funtime Hour ( 2011 )
Curb Your Enthusiasm after it got smashed in the head with a hammer and force-fed liquor and drugs", the show stars former Trailer Park Boys actors John Paul Tremblay, Robb Wells and Mike Smith as fictionalized versions of themselves. The fictional trio are starring in a new sketch comedy series, Happy Fun Time Hour, but their production goes awry when a mad German scientist named Doctor Funtime (Maury Chaykin) forces them to ingest a hallucinogenic substance he created.
TV Show: Teen Mom 2 ( 2011 )
Teen Mom 2 is a spin-off of the MTV documentary series 16 & Pregnant. We are following the stories of four girls from the first season of 16 & Pregnant who are facing the challenges of their first years of motherhood. Each episode interweaves stories of four teenage girls who are navigating the bumpy terrain of adolescence, growing pains, and coming of age - all while facing the responsibility of being a young mother.

Each story offers a unique look into the wide variety of challenges young mothers can face: marriage, relationships, family support, or lack thereof, adoption, finances, rumors among the community, graduating high school, starting college, getting (or losing) a job and the daunting and exciting step of moving out of the nest to create their own families.