This short documentary follows Irishman Fintan Ruddy, a fascinating eccentric who has taken it upon himself to follow in the footsteps of Saint Patrick and climb the conical 764 meters (2510 FT) of the holy mountain Croagh Patrick, where legend has it that the Saint himself fasted on the summit for 40 days. The documentary highlights one man’s obsession with climbing the mountain as he makes a 300 mile round trip every time he makes the climb. Moreover, at the completion of the film Fintan has reached the summit on an unbelievable 562 occasions. The documentary also illustrates the phenomenon that is the yearly pilgrimage to the summit of the mountain, which approximately 40 thousand pilgrims do each year on the last Sunday of July. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | February 17, 2010 | |
Runtime: | 9 min | |
Genres: | Documentary Short Biography | |
Cast: | Fintan Ruddy | |
Crew: | Geoff Brooks | |
kraichgau : this sheridan seems to be the ultimate series runner at the moment for "great USA themes"....