A comedy show that follows the business and life adventures of 5 friends in there 20s. In an effort to help one of their own, the group stumbles across a business opportunity to become date saboteurs for hire. Their history, skills sets and personality traits combine to enable a business operation that’s as absurd and entertaining as it is successful. Hilarity ensues as the endures into this crazy business is each of their personal lies and how each cross over into the other. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | September 1, 2016 | |
Runtime: | 22 min | |
Genres: | Comedy | |
Cast: | Jay Flats Julie Hinton Olivia Kelleher Tommie Lee | |
Crew: | Ryan Kirby Stephen Rollins Abby Blackhurst Tanner Roger | |
fl4g0ndry : After all this hubbub I think I have to watch this. I'll edit after.