How Awful About Allan
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- Publication date
- 1970
- Usage
- Public Domain
- Topics
- Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller, Anthony Perkins
- Publisher
- Aaron Spelling Productions
- Item Size
- 1.7G
Allan (Anthony Perkins) is blamed for an accidental fire that killed his father (Kent Smith), disfigured his sister (Julie Harris) and landed him in an institution.
Eight months later, partially blind and guilt-stricken, he's let out of an institution and rents a room from his estranged sibling in an effort to put his life back together, but someone is out for revenge and wants to drive him crazy.
Eight months later, partially blind and guilt-stricken, he's let out of an institution and rents a room from his estranged sibling in an effort to put his life back together, but someone is out for revenge and wants to drive him crazy.
- Contact Information
- Addeddate
- 2009-02-11 06:57:37
- Color
- color
- Director
- Curtis Harrington
- Identifier
- HowAwfulAboutAllan
- Run time
- 73 min.
- Sound
- sound
- Year
- 1970
favoritefavorite -
February 10, 2021
Subject: Three great actors
Subject: Three great actors one lame movie. Part of a slew of increasingly mediocre psychological 'horror' films of the 60's-early 70's, here by the same team (Curtis Harrington
and Henry Farrell) who gave us the slightly-better What's The Matter With Helen a couple of years after this aired. That's Farrell's wife, character actress Molly Dodd, as the shrew mocking Perkins as he leaves the hospital.
This trio (Perkins, Harris, and Hackett) should have been in something by Ibsen, O'Neill, or Chekov instead of this dreck. Nicest thing to say is how attractive Allan and Olive are as a couple.
This trio (Perkins, Harris, and Hackett) should have been in something by Ibsen, O'Neill, or Chekov instead of this dreck. Nicest thing to say is how attractive Allan and Olive are as a couple.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 31, 2014
Subject: Not hardly sci-fi
Subject: Not hardly sci-fi
How can you go wrong with Aaron Spelling as exec prod and Perkins, Julie Harris and Joan Hackett in leading roles? I'm surprised this is PD.
This is a ... 5-star film all the way; good direction, well executed, extremely well acted. Very dark, eerie, reminds one very much (naturally) of 'Psycho', and likely trying to capitalize on its place in the annals of filmdom. If anyone can pull that off, it's Aaron Spelling as producer.
Watch this one. It's good.
This is a ... 5-star film all the way; good direction, well executed, extremely well acted. Very dark, eerie, reminds one very much (naturally) of 'Psycho', and likely trying to capitalize on its place in the annals of filmdom. If anyone can pull that off, it's Aaron Spelling as producer.
Watch this one. It's good.
November 12, 2011
Subject: Not Able to View
Subject: Not Able to View
Circle kept circulating, a bummer!
March 11, 2010
Subject: ....How Awful...
Subject: ....How Awful...
....For The Audience Who Watch This Dreck..!
Albert Schlef
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 15, 2010
Subject: Not bad
Subject: Not bad
This movie isn't bad. Someone wrote here that he knew the end 20 minutes into the movie already, but it wasn't the case for me: I was surprised to learn
the ending.
(This movie is tagged under "Sci-Fi", but it isn't.)
(This movie is tagged under "Sci-Fi", but it isn't.)
carlo subterfuge
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 23, 2009
Subject: How Roddy about Anthony
Subject: How Roddy about Anthony
I guess this just goes to show that back in the day Aaron Spelling movie of the week productions were actually occasionally worthwhile affairs. Anthony
Perkins is of course Alan running around throughout this deeply shadowed Gothic mansion in a lovely maroon robe and pajamas, experiencing a sightless world chock-full of enhanced and exaggerated Foley noises: heavy slapback on every door closing and footstep on the stairs. Cute touch. He's back from the sanatorium since there's no cure in sight regarding his hysterical loss of vision (or my hysterical use of puns) and staying with his fire-scarred younger sister. It all stems from some questionable bed-time reading from Ayn Rand by the tyrannical father who contritely perished in the blaze. As Alan's doctor says upon his release, he shouldn't worry because "her appliance is very successful!". While this 1970 thriller may be just another example of a role for which Roddy McDowell and Perkins had both competed, at least Joan Hackett is noteworthy as Alan's disarmingly loyal, normal and gorgeous girlfriend Olive. Now can Alan only learn to use Olive as a successful appliance before its too late and the family home devolves Usheringly into the ground?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 8, 2009
Subject: Turn down the lights and you will be hooked.
Subject: Turn down the lights and you will be hooked.
A good dark atmospheric thriller. Unfortunately, it was quite predictable and I was already predicting the eventual outcome after only 20 minutes.
However, ... I was hooked and felt like I was being hustled to get involved, finding myself bewitched by the unwavering performance of Perkins who manages to single-handedly drag the film and the viewer through to the end.
So grap a cup of hot cocoa and a blanket, turn down the lights, and enjoy a movie that Hitchcock himself would have been happy to have had in his repertoire.
However, ... I was hooked and felt like I was being hustled to get involved, finding myself bewitched by the unwavering performance of Perkins who manages to single-handedly drag the film and the viewer through to the end.
So grap a cup of hot cocoa and a blanket, turn down the lights, and enjoy a movie that Hitchcock himself would have been happy to have had in his repertoire.
Luke Th. Bullock
favoritefavoritefavorite -
June 23, 2009
Subject: Enjoyable, but not great..
Subject: Enjoyable, but not great..
It is, as another mentioned, a "rainy day movie", something you can watch while drinking tea and eating popcorn or biscuits. I liked the slow pace, the
lack of violent visuals, the "natural horror" of mind games and suspense.
The ending was not as good as I was hoping for, it seemed as if someone was in a hurry to get the film/script done and "get out of there". All it would have taken was a different angle, and a couple more scenes and it would have been more complete. But is just my 2c..
The ending was not as good as I was hoping for, it seemed as if someone was in a hurry to get the film/script done and "get out of there". All it would have taken was a different angle, and a couple more scenes and it would have been more complete. But is just my 2c..
favoritefavoritefavorite -
June 3, 2009
Subject: Not exactly <b>Psycho</b>
Subject: Not exactly <b>Psycho</b>
Not a bad film, albeit a little slow moving, even for an 80 minute runtime. There are better films in the Horror section here on the archive but this
one is worth a rainy afternoon viewing.
Someone's messing with the man's mind after he returns from months in a mental hospital. Is it all in his head or is something really going on?
Someone's messing with the man's mind after he returns from months in a mental hospital. Is it all in his head or is something really going on?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 15, 2009
Subject: Anthony Perkins
Subject: Anthony Perkins
It was 'psycho' all over again. I half expected to see hitchcock make an appearence.
The image quality wasn't that good though.
The image quality wasn't that good though.
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