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Exit to Eden (1994)
random000 1 points yesterday.

It’s called Rosie + Danny + too much free time = “Adding to it”!

Alien 1 points yesterday.

What I find fascinating is that Anne Rice was one of the writers. Also, the beautiful Iman had a role here.

Exit to Eden (1994)
grasshopper rex 2 points yesterday.

And now I’m searching for black leather masks on Amazon. WTF just happened!

random000 1 points yesterday.

It’s called Rosie + Danny + too much free time = “Adding to it”!

Exit to Eden (1994)
random000 1 points 2 days ago.

But did you really?? Think of the increased hits to the site & its longevity.

grasshopper rex 2 points yesterday.

And now I’m searching for black leather masks on Amazon. WTF just happened!

Sweet Tooth (2021) S3 E1
frank44552 1 points yesterday.

EP one was ok of season 3. Season 1 was good season 2 was nothing special, hopefully this ends with a good send off

Exit to Eden (1994)
grasshopper rex 2 points 2 days ago.

I would pay to watch. Damn, I just revealed a fetish of mine.

random000 1 points 2 days ago.

But did you really?? Think of the increased hits to the site & its longevity.

Exit to Eden (1994)
random000 2 points 2 days ago.

But think of the sheer entertainment value…

grasshopper rex 2 points 2 days ago.

I would pay to watch. Damn, I just revealed a fetish of mine.

Exit to Eden (1994)
grasshopper rex 2 points 2 days ago.

I know many that could use a spanking, but that they might enjoy it would defeat the purpose. :)

random000 2 points 2 days ago.

But think of the sheer entertainment value…

Exit to Eden (1994)
random000 2 points 2 days ago.

Could we rethink that? Me thinks she may be everyone’s new best friend.

grasshopper rex 2 points 2 days ago.

I know many that could use a spanking, but that they might enjoy it would defeat the purpose. :)

Exit to Eden (1994)
grasshopper rex 3 points 2 days ago.


random000 2 points 2 days ago.

Could we rethink that? Me thinks she may be everyone’s new best friend.

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
mike 0 points 2 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

he aint dead … keep watching !

We Are Lady Parts (2021)
hackenprof 1 points 2 days ago.

Season 2 delivered! It’s amazing how much quality content they jam into six short episodes. I find myself wanting more, but in all honesty the format is perfect.

grasshopper rex 2 points 2 days ago.

Honestly, about the middle of the season I was beginning to wonder if they had lost their edge, but they pulled it back together by the end and finished strong. A hidden gem that deserves a larger audience, for sure, I’m hoping there will be more.

Exit to Eden (1994)
Mamagina 3 points 2 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I wish we could get more movies like this! As it is part of my lifestyle as a spanko

grasshopper rex 3 points 2 days ago.


Exit to Eden (1994)
Mamagina 3 points 2 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I wish we could get more movies like this! As it is part of my lifestyle as a spanko

We Are Lady Parts (2021)
grasshopper rex 2 points 1 month ago.

Recently discovered this show and I love it. Hilarious and empowering, it manages to poke fun of stereotypes without offending. I wonder if the creators were influenced by the Indonesian female metal trio Voice of Baceprot? Eagerly awaiting season 2 with cameos from activist Malala Yousafzai and comedian Meera Syal.

hackenprof 1 points 2 days ago.

Season 2 delivered! It’s amazing how much quality content they jam into six short episodes. I find myself wanting more, but in all honesty the format is perfect.

The Acolyte (2024)
Akrimaya 5 points 4 days ago.

Being a young 50 something I saw the original Star Wars in theaters when it came out. I may be in the minority but I have no need to watch the 100 prequels that have come out since. I really don’t want to know why the characters became what they are. It ruins the mystery for me. I’m still a fan though. May the force be with you all.

hackenprof 0 points 2 days ago.

Same age, seen every SW movie on the big screen (credentials, woohoo) and I feel exactly the opposite. Give me stories, more stories, and keep the stories coming, I gobble it up even if The Mandalorian writers did steal scenes from every well known sci-fi movie of the last 50 years (including SW). Admittedly lazy and unoriginal, but i still enjoy the stories, just as I’m enjoying this one so far. I grew up reading Thieves’ World and Dragonlance novels, where the stories never end, so that might be my problem.

Sweet Tooth (2021) S3 E8
Pad Solo 2 points 2 days ago.

That was a good little story, shame there’s no more to come.

random000 2 points 2 days ago*.

Thank you for commenting on ANYTHING else other than garbage. After we finish with The Monkees, we’ll give this a go!

Sweet Tooth (2021) S3 E8
Pad Solo 2 points 2 days ago.

That was a good little story, shame there’s no more to come.

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
[removed by a moderator]
random000 3 points 2 days ago.

Dead is dead, and we’re not upset about it. With that, we see no compelling evidence that this scum was silenced by anyone other than himself.

The Acolyte (2024)
darklighter1 2 points 3 days ago.

WOW…a bunch of level headed Star Wars fans. Not one nasty comment in the bunch telling us how great the sequel series is and the trash Disney shows outside of Andor. Have I passed into another SF universe the Twilight Zone?

Harthal 1 points 2 days ago.

Check the comments for episode 1 of this show

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
Vigile 3 points 2 days ago.

Is their no limits to how low Vice will stoop?

hackenprof 2 points 2 days ago.

Co-founded by Gavin McInnes, can’t get any lower than that.

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
dosmundos 2 points 2 days ago.

The parasite was killed to prevent him from implicating other parasites, not for punishment for being a parasite. He was only killed once he stopped becoming a threat to children and became a threat to other predators. how is that ‘great’ that we can’t prosecute others now?

random000 5 points 2 days ago.

He’s dead and that’s wonderful. Those who seem rather impressed with themselves for their ability to regurgitate propaganda are also parasites who are equally culpable of victimizing children to forward criminal behavior, and their deaths will also be celebrated.

Game Changer (2019) S6 E8
Rasnac 2 points 3 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Who was the dude in the end? Is he a famous celeb I dont know about?

kittyprincezzz 1 points 2 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

from what i could gather from reddit, eric is a popular comedian who had a comedy show called “Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!” with a buddy of his. I guess he was a really big comedy inspiration for older millennials (aka like 90% of the dropout cast) so it makes sense for this to be a big thing for them when it gets revealed.

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
random000 4 points 2 days ago*.

A parasite is a parasite. It doesn’t matter how they meet their end. If the parasite kills himself - great. If someone else executes the parasite to silence him, or carry out a vendetta - great. The parasite is gone. Super. A network who reports the possibility of a different death & has enough material to publish this thesis is not protecting anyone. They’re publishing a thesis they believe to be viable.

Anyone who has a stake in just one singular narrative that they insist upon has revealed a false ideology they care more about forwarding rather than children. To this type of viewer, victimization of children is incidental in forwarding their agenda - and this makes them equally culpable in victimizing children, and there is no amount of discussion they could ever produce that will ever remove that stain they put upon themselves.

A parasite is dead. That’s cause to celebrate. Method of death makes no matter.

dosmundos 2 points 2 days ago.

The parasite was killed to prevent him from implicating other parasites, not for punishment for being a parasite. He was only killed once he stopped becoming a threat to children and became a threat to other predators. how is that ‘great’ that we can’t prosecute others now?

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
Vigile 3 points 2 days ago.

Is their no limits to how low Vice will stoop?

Joy717 1 points 2 days ago.

Owners of Vice Media: Fortress Investment Group, Soros Fund Management, and Monroe Capital[7]. ~Wikipedia. imo Vice is garbage.

Criminal Minds (2005) S17 E1
maxx.black2 1 points 4 days ago.

The FBI’s BAU will be back on the case, June 6th

hants2 0 points 2 days ago.

I thought this series ended

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
Wizzdom 3 points 2 days ago.

I and many others see this production for the propaganda it is. Sadly you will never get certain people to see the truth no matter how many facts you present. Cognitive dissonance prevents any of their critical thinking skills from ever activating, with programs like this produced for the express purpose of supporting the perpetuation of their ignorance. Needless to say, your awareness and commentary is muchly appreciated.

grasshopper rex 2 points 2 days ago.

Asserting that facts are needed to substantiate claims made is the very definition of possessing critical thinking skills. You might want to look up the definition of cognitive dissonance, btw. Calling others ignorant that see things differently than you is an intellectually lazy way of avoiding debate.

Landing Stripling (Short 1962) (1962)
random000 2 points 2 days ago.

Outsourcing MGM toons to Europe wasn’t a bright move. Gene can’t hold a candle to Joe, Tex, William or Chuck- but to his credit, the toons he did make are very surreal, even if very sub-par.

The Cat That Hated People (Short 1948) (1948)
random000 2 points 2 days ago.

Tex Avery supplies the nutty dawggie laughter again. It’s like he sat on a feather.

Bad Luck Blackie (Short 1949) (1949)
random000 2 points 2 days ago.

The infectious laughter of the dawggie in this is none other than Tex Avery himself. Dunno if it’s a good idea to tickle the guy or not.

Am I OK? (2024)
ship_toaster 2 points 2 days ago.

your acting? no. but you’re a nepo baby, so you’ll be ok, dakota.

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
random000 4 points 2 days ago*.

A parasite is a parasite. It doesn’t matter how they meet their end. If the parasite kills himself - great. If someone else executes the parasite to silence him, or carry out a vendetta - great. The parasite is gone. Super. A network who reports the possibility of a different death & has enough material to publish this thesis is not protecting anyone. They’re publishing a thesis they believe to be viable.

Anyone who has a stake in just one singular narrative that they insist upon has revealed a false ideology they care more about forwarding rather than children. To this type of viewer, victimization of children is incidental in forwarding their agenda - and this makes them equally culpable in victimizing children, and there is no amount of discussion they could ever produce that will ever remove that stain they put upon themselves.

A parasite is dead. That’s cause to celebrate. Method of death makes no matter.

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
Vigile 3 points 2 days ago.

It’s clearly smearing anyone who has questions about how he met his maker. If you don’t understand the implications of that, we have nothing to discuss.

Wizzdom 3 points 2 days ago.

I and many others see this production for the propaganda it is. Sadly you will never get certain people to see the truth no matter how many facts you present. Cognitive dissonance prevents any of their critical thinking skills from ever activating, with programs like this produced for the express purpose of supporting the perpetuation of their ignorance. Needless to say, your awareness and commentary is muchly appreciated.

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
Vigile 3 points 2 days ago.

It’s clearly smearing anyone who has questions about how he met his maker. If you don’t understand the implications of that, we have nothing to discuss.

grasshopper rex 3 points 2 days ago.

It’s not outside the realm of possibility, but neither is it that he took his own life. In absence of any proof to the contrary, Occam’s razor.

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
grasshopper rex 3 points 2 days ago.

The show has a specific topic it is focused on and is not about the crimes itself. Given the topic, it’s ironic that you would accuse them of protecting child abusers.

Vigile 3 points 2 days ago.

It’s clearly smearing anyone who has questions about how he met his maker. If you don’t understand the implications of that, we have nothing to discuss.

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
virtudes2 3 points 3 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Well that was disappointing. I was looking forward to watching Carrie Ann Moss in Star Wars only to see her get killed off in the first 5 minutes. The whole series looks terrible now.

Speed711 2 points 2 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yes I also think her scene was the best part of the first two episodes and it went downhill fast from there. I was almost expecting Neo to pop out with a Matrix Collab but then they had to ruin it like a top Jedi master would fall for a dagger behind the back trick.

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
Vigile 1 points 2 days ago.

I’d hardly get emotional over a Vice story, but is anyone surprised they are deflecting from the crimes of those on the client list, and hence protecting child abusers?

grasshopper rex 3 points 2 days ago.

The show has a specific topic it is focused on and is not about the crimes itself. Given the topic, it’s ironic that you would accuse them of protecting child abusers.

The Acolyte (2024)
grasshopper rex 1 points 3 days ago*.

So many comments and not a single one about this show yet. I’ll be the 1st. Enjoyable enough, if you aren’t already tired of the glut of Star Wars stuff out there.

MontyFly 4 points 2 days ago.

Having binged the 1st 2 episodes I can happily say I loved it as I have enjoyed all of the prequels and spinoff TV series/movies. Some were not the greatest but, all were enjoyable to me.

So many come here to complain about prequels and one actually complained they are spoilers to the originals. If you don’t like prequels for fear of spoilers then don’t watch them. There has always been an issue with good sci/fi not lasting long on TV so when any company puts out content I embrace it. Besides this one is good.

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
hateorade 3 points 2 days ago.

really? that’s what youre angry about here?

Vigile 1 points 2 days ago.

I’d hardly get emotional over a Vice story, but is anyone surprised they are deflecting from the crimes of those on the client list, and hence protecting child abusers?

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
Dvora 3 points 2 days ago.

The first Deadpool was good but the second was off the mark for me. So we will have to wait to see how it does. :)

grasshopper rex 3 points 2 days ago.

Hugh Jackman coming back will be a huge draw. If it was just another Deadpool movie I’d be less optimistic.

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
grasshopper rex 5 points 2 days ago.

Deadpool & Wolverine will probably make up for all of their loses last year by itself.

Dvora 3 points 2 days ago.

The first Deadpool was good but the second was off the mark for me. So we will have to wait to see how it does. :)

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
Dvora 3 points 2 days ago.

i was speaking of Disney films not the Disney dynasty; but ya, I agree, you can get too much of a good thing.

grasshopper rex 5 points 2 days ago.

Deadpool & Wolverine will probably make up for all of their loses last year by itself.

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
grasshopper rex 5 points 2 days ago*.

Disney stock is up 10% for the last 12 months. Their streaming service just posted their 1st positive quarterly earnings report with $47 million in profit. The recent board of directors vote saw the stockholders voting to keep all 12 board members. Revenue at their theme parks is up as well. Yes, they struggled at the box office last year with some notable flops, but it will take more than that to sink them and just as they have done in other areas of their business recently, I’m fairly confident they will find a way to correct course.

I do agree that they are milking the hell out of the Star Wars license and the franchise is suffering for it, but I feel the same about Marvel, Star Trek and many other popular franchises. You can get too much of a good thing.

Dvora 3 points 2 days ago.

i was speaking of Disney films not the Disney dynasty; but ya, I agree, you can get too much of a good thing.

Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial (2024) S1 E1
ICMEINU 0 points 2 days ago.

Why do they keep perpetuating the Hitler/Nazi narrative?

grasshopper rex 1 points 2 days ago.

Are you asking what is the value of remembering history and teaching it to future generations?

Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial (2024) S1 E1
random000 2 points 2 days ago*.

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Nazi’s wiped out more than 95% of my family. After they got away with that atrocity, those that didn’t successfully flee to Argentina were officially smuggled to both the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. Lest we forget it could happen again. We are dangerously close on our planet to this atrocity again. This is why this passage of history must be repeatedly told. The camps must remain standing. History must not ever be repeated. It may or may not be Jews next time. Ask the Kurds. Ask the Armenians. Ask the Roma. Ask the Irish. Ask the Scots why their culture, their language, their colors, their history was so hated & threatening that death was invited upon them. Ask all 6000+ different Aboriginal American Nations what the consequences are when society is convinced by vicious political cults that genocide is the answer.

Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial (2024) S1 E1
ICMEINU 0 points 2 days ago.

Why do they keep perpetuating the Hitler/Nazi narrative?

Dark Matter (2024)
skyhawk47 1 points 16 days ago.

except they ripped off the show now from another good sci fi series…. get an original name first!!!

tabularascal 2 points 2 days ago.

I loved that show! I keep seeing comments for this one and then being slightly disappointed when it’s not the other.

But it’s the title of the book this show is adapted from, so I’m sure changing it was never up for discussion. Neither series has anything to do with dark matter, though, so really they should both have to do community service or something.

The Acolyte (2024)
HudsonJr 2 points 2 days ago.

Boring and a yawnfest!

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
Vigile 3 points 2 days ago.

Is their no limits to how low Vice will stoop?

hateorade 3 points 2 days ago.

really? that’s what youre angry about here?

Am I OK? (2024)
grasshopper rex 2 points 2 days ago.

jeez. whose idea was it to use that picture for the poster?